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Supplementary exam for foreign doctors in Slovakia: Experience of a pediatrician from Ukraine

The qualifying / supplementary exam (doplňujúca skúška) was held on May 28, 2024.

A doctor (pediatrician), let's call her Olga, who has taken a cycle of Slovak language courses for foreign medics, was at this exam and shared her impressions, preparation tips and general useful information about the organization.

The commission and the exam format

The exam began with a joint testing session involving both dentists (zubný lekár) and physicians (lekár). At this stage we were able to bond a little, to feel that we were in the same boat. Although we could not communicate while the test was being conducted, after the test we were able to discuss the difficulty of the questions and the answer choices with some of our colleagues.

How many participants were there?
There were 44 people present at the exam, 40 of whom successfully passed the test. After that, we were divided into two groups of 20 people each to take the oral part of the exam. Of the 20 people in my group, 10 passed. In the second group, which was an unexpected result, 14 out of 20 participants successfully answered all the additional questions of the exam committee. This was a record result, and many attribute it to the absence of a strict examiner, which was feared by those who came to the exam not for the first time.

How would you rate the difficulty of the exam?
I would rate the written part of the exam 5 out of 10, but the oral exam was a definite 10 out of 10. It was incredibly challenging, especially from a psycho-emotional perspective. You sit in front of five people, each asking their own questions. In such an atmosphere, it is easy to forget everything you knew.

How long was the exam?
We started with the tests in the morning, and from 13:00 the real torture began. Our group stayed in the exam until 17:30. It was horrible chronic stress.

What can you tell about the committee that took the exam?
The qualifying / supplementary examination (doplňujúca skúška) included questions in four fields:
  1. internal medicine (Interná medicína),
  2. surgery (Chirurgia),
  3. pediatrics (Pediatria),
  4. gynecology and obstetrics (Gynekológia a pôrodníctvo).
The committee consisted of four specialists, each of whom asked questions in a different field, and the chairman of the committee. The chairman did not ask me anything, although others said that he was sometimes actively involved in the process.

Comparison with exams in Ukraine
Our student noted that the exams in Slovakia are significantly different from those she took in Ukraine. The main stress factor is the language.

— It was a long time ago, but the most important difference was the language. In Slovakia, I had to answer in a non-native language, which added stress. Sometimes I just couldn't remember the right term because of my nerves.

Supplementary exam: expectations and reality

Surprise on the exam
One of the first and most impressive surprises at the oral part of the exam was that the committee turned out to be quite loyal, friendly. This really surprised me, because in the “narrow” circle of foreign medics in Slovakia, who often prepare for the exam together and also look for colleagues who have already had such experience, there were many rumors that the examiners were “tough”, very strict and asked tricky questions. I was asked normal questions, although of course there were additional questions.
Evaluation of results
I have only been in Slovakia for 10 months and already passed the exam! I am very satisfied! Some of my colleagues who have been here since the beginning of the war had not even started preparation. I knew I would take the exam in May, so I started preparing from September. I think it's a great result.

Have expectations been fulfilled?
Expectations and the results of the qualifying / supplementary exam (doplňujúca skúška) may often not match, but in Olga's case, the outcome was better than she expected.

— The result exceeded all my expectations!
I gave myself permission not to pass the first time. After all, I would have kept going until I passed. In Slovakia, fortunately, the number of attempts to retake the exam for foreign doctors is not limited. I heard that some people take the exam eight times. I eventually passed the first time. And the result was better than I expected.

Tips for examiners

Preparing for the qualifying / supplementary exam (doplňujúca skúška) requires considerable effort and time. Many candidates had to study for 6 months or even a year, with a minimum of two hours of preparation time each day.

To successfully pass the "skushka" (this is how natives of the Russian/Ukrainian-speaking environment call an additional exam, communicating in native language), the following are essential:
  • knowledge of the material,
  • proficiency in the Slovak language,
  • psycho-emotional preparation.

"My advice is to study the material every day, for at least two hours. This not only helps you retain the knowledge but also prepares you for the stress of the exam. Additionally, it is important to remain mentally strong and not give up."

If you dedicate time to studying every day, you have every chance of success. I started preparing in September and studied almost without breaks. Those who relied on luck and did not devote enough time to preparation, of course, failed the exam. And honestly, I wouldn't want to see a doctor who takes their professional preparation, and consequently my health, so lightly.

Be sure to write down and learn the Latin names as well, as this is a necessary part of the answer when defining any term.

How beneficial was the Slovak course for foreign medics and the exam preparation included in the course?
There was a lot of material. The courses helped systematize knowledge and prepare for the main questions.

Additional materials were very helpful: files with answers to questions and notes, which helped better prepare for the exam. In the course lessons, as part of the homework, each group member prepared a report/answer to one of the exam questions. During the lesson, they presented the material in Slovak. Everyone else took notes, and the teacher corrected anything related to the Slovak language and proper pronunciation.

Plans for the future

"I am now planning to confirm my specialization. I am a pediatrician, but after the exam I am considered a doctor without specialization. I will have to send my documents to the ministry again and possibly continue studying. I plan to look for opportunities to complete a residency or internship in Slovakia," said Olga.

In conclusion to the story of our candidate, who passed the qualifying / supplementary exam (doplňujúca skúška) for doctors in Slovakia on the first attempt, the importance of diligent preparation in three fields should be emphasized:
  • language preparation (studying medical Slovak)
  • specialized preparation (reviewing and structuring the knowledge acquired during medical school, as well as direct preparation for exam topics/questions)
  • psycho-emotional readiness.

If you are planning to take an supplementary exam for medics in Slovakia and are looking for an effective way to prepare, check out the Complete Slovak Language Course for Medics.

During one or more phases of the course, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, and nurses:
  • learn Slovak from scratch
  • master the necessary medical vocabulary
  • develop communication skills for complex professional topics
  • take mock tests (based on exam questions from previous years and feedback from those who have taken the exam)
  • undergo preliminary psychological preparation for the exam (through repeated practice of various parts and stages of the upcoming exam)

After successfully passing the qualifying / supplementary exam (doplňujúca skúška), a foreign medic gains the opportunity for full (independent, without the supervision of a Slovak specialist) employment in Slovakia.