(source: INEKO)
Data sources: Financial Statement Register, Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic (MF SR); health insurance companies
Recalculations and table: INEKO
(source: INEKO)
Data source: health insurance companies VšZP, Dôvera, Union
Table: INEKO
(source: INEKO)
Data source: health insurance companies VšZP, Dôvera, Union
Table: INEKO
(source: INEKO)
Data sources: Register of Accounts (ÚZ), Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic (MF SR); health insurance companies; Union of Health and Social Services (SOZ ZaSS), National Center for Health Information (NCZI); Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Conversions and table: INEKO
(source: INEKO)
Data sources: Register of Accounts (ÚZ), Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic (MF SR); health insurance companies; Union of Health and Social Services (SOZ ZaSS), National Center for Health Information (NCZI); Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Conversions and table: INEKO
(source: INEKO)
Dušan Zachar
Many thanks to the health insurance companies Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa, Dôvera and Union for their cooperation in developing and harmonizing the methodology and providing statistical data for analysis.
This analysis is part of a project supported by the European Social Fund through the Operational Program “Effective Public Administration”.
INEKO implements thei-Health.sk project, which is financially supported by the insurance company Dôvera, and manages the portal nemocnice.ineko.sk, which is financially supported by the insurance companies Dôvera and Union.
If you find INEKO's activities and initiatives useful, we would be very grateful for your support for our further work. Thank you!
This text is a translation of an article from the website blog.sme.sk
The original text belongs to INEKO, the translation was made with care for foreign doctors by Sofiia Zayka.